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Blue Light Back To School

Are you protecting your eyes, and more importantly, your children’s eyes, from digital strain and harmful blue light? With our kids going “back to school” and with more of us “working from home,” our Huntington Optometric Center family would like to ensure that all patients have access to blue light glasses.

The doctors at Huntington Optometric Center (HOC) strongly recommend that children and adults wear anti-reflective blue blocking glasses when working on digital devices. Studies have shown that long-term and continuous exposure to the harmful wavelengths of blue light can contribute to poor sleep, digital eye strain and long-term damage to your eyes. In addition, bright reflections and glare can cause eye irritation, strain, headaches and other discomforts.

Given the current situation, HOC is doing what we can to care for our patients. We are offering a high quality, anti-reflective, blue-light blocking glasses. These lenses are of ophthalmic quality and made of polycarbonate material (an impact resistant material). Each pair is carefully assembled and made by us to ensure the high quality you normally expect from us.

We understand this pandemic has affected our lives and many people’s financial situations. We are offering BOTH frames and protective lenses for $99 (no prescription) and $139 (with prescription) compared to our regular price of $240 plus the cost of the frame. We understand glasses are marketed online for extremely low prices, but we suggest that you be careful when considering them. The poor optical quality in these lenses can do more harm than good.

If you would like to place an order, please send us a text, email or call us at 626-289-9171 to schedule an appointment to select your frame. We also offer curbside delivery.

You can view our frames for this special package online:

Thank you for allowing us to care for your eyes.


Drs. Stacey Gin, Jeffrey Nishi, Kendric Kajikawa, Erin Osako, Bonnie Peng, and Kellie Kanamoto

Boys Small

Boy’s Small

Girls Small

Girl’s Small

Mens Large

Men’s Large

Unisex Medium

Unisex Medium

Womens Medium

Women’s Medium

Womens Medium

Women’s Medium